World Physiotherapy day in September

Every year on September the 8th we celebrate the work that physiotherapists do all over the world. Physiotherapy has been around for a long time, since around since 1813. Each year a different focus is highlighted. This year the focus of World PT day is Osteoarthritis. Osteoarthritis is a very common condition, effecting many people. It is thought that around 520 million worldwide experience it in their lifetime. Eimhin O’Reilly, a physiotherapist working with The Rehab Team from Tauranga shares more…

Osteoarthritis, sometimes called OA, affects joints and causes pain, stiffness and muscle weakness. The knee joint is the most commonly affected - accounting for around 60% of cases. Osteoarthritis can be diagnosed by your healthcare professional without having an investigation (such as an xray or scan). If you think you might have OA or you are struggling with some of the symptoms listed above, speak to your physiotherapist for more.

The exact cause of osteoarthritis isn’t known, but we do know there are certain factors that increase your risk of developing it, such as being overweight, age, and a previous injury to the joint. 

Physiotherapists have a really important role in treating OA. Have you heard the phrase exercise is the best medicine? Well in the case of OA, it’s true! Lots of research has shown that exercise is beneficial for everyone with osteoarthritis and in some cases can even delay or prevent the need for a joint replacement.  Exercise can help with many symptoms such as reducing pain and stiffness, strengthening muscles and enabling you to move more. 

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